In September, COERR Kanchanaburi visited the refugee youth groups in Ban Don Yang camp in Kanchanaburi province and Ban Tham Hin camp in Ratchaburi camp to provide technical support. Feedback from the visit will be used to improve the next livelihood training. The Team visited those groups making liquid soap, soap bar, shampoo, brooms, weaving, T-shirt screening.
Visiting the liquid soap making group

Team visits the soap making and selling groups and explains how to make use of the recycled soap carton to become shelf, etc. at Ban Don Yang camp

How to make the smaller size of soap bar so that the price is cheaper to meet the customer’s demand

At Ban Don Yang camp, the broom making groups are advised that, in the rainy season, broom sticks can easily become moldy. Therefore, the stick should be either dried in the sun or stop production during the wet season. Put lacquer on is another solution but the cost will be rising.

Visiting the weaving and T-shirt screening groups at Ban Don Yang camp

At Ban Don Yang camp, visiting the liquid soap making groups and advising how to develop the packaging which can add value to the product.

Meeting among the Livelihood groups are held regularly to share opinion and provide technical and moral support, at Ban Don Yang

Training was held at Ban Tham Hin camp about how to make use of material available in their community
